Tales From the Crypt of Cthulhu No.16

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  1. TALES FROM THE CRYPT OF CTHULHU No.16 - A black ink drawing on 11 x 14 size vellum paper. For presentation on this web site I used my computer to add color to the drawing. Robert Price, the publisher and editor of this fanzine asked me to make the design of this cover look like that of the revered "EC" comic book cover designs of the 1950s, so I did.

    USING LOGIC - I was taking a break one day, sitting on a chair sipping coffee on the back deck of my home, watching two sassa birds that were perched next to each other on the deck railing. Their backs were toward me and they were looking up at a tall tree in the neighbor's yard . . .

    The Sassa bird on the left said to the other one, "We can't do it Noah, it's impossible for us to fly up to the top of dat tree!" Looking up at the tall tree Noah asked, "Why is dat, George?"

    "Because," said George, "If we take off and stop when we're half way there, there's gonna be another half way point between us and the top of dat tree! And when we stop at dat half way point and look up, there's gonna be another half way point between us and the top! Dontcha see, Noah? Every time we stop at a halfway point there's always gonna be another half point left for us to fly!" Noah didn't seem convinced. He said "I'm not convinced, George!"

    At which point I attracted their attention with a throat-clearing, "Ahem!" And when they turned to face me I suggested, "Why don't you two birds use a little logic to solve your paradox problem?"

    "Logic?" "Paradox?" Skeptically, Noah asked, "How do we do dat?"

    I stood up from the chair and said, "When you take off, don't stop at the half way points, just fly from the railing strait up to the top of the tree!"

    I watched them take off, took my last sip of coffee, and went back to work.

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